Why Posts Section?

By Hamza Kalash

About 4 min to read | 667 words.

Table of Contents

Recently I revamped my website. I migrated from Astro to Hugo and I detailed the reasons behind this change in my post titled Why I Switched From Astro To Hugo for My Website. Additionally, I gave the website a fresh design and added a more personalized touch.

In the navigation “bar”, you’ll now find links to all sections of the website. Notably, there are sections labeled “Articles” and “Posts.” But isn’t this a tech blog? what sets these sections apart? What is the difference?

No more social media #

I wanted to stop using social media, or at least reduce my usage of it. Except for Facebook, I deleted my accounts on all social media platforms. I even bid farewell to my Reddit account, despite my belief that Reddit is the best platform, and if I were to choose only one platform to continue using, it would undoubtedly be Reddit. Nevertheless, I went ahead and deleted it.

The network effect #

My goal was to establish a platform where genuinely interested individuals would come to engage with and peruse my content. So I created this website in the first quarter of 2023, but never posted anything to it! Because why to put anything here where nobody will see it when I can post it to my social media and get hundreds of people to see it? at the very least I’ll get a bunch of interactions and claps from my family and friends and people who know me, even if they’re not really interested. Please don’t misunderstand me – I am sincerely grateful for such amazing people in my life. However, I really want to see beyond my own nose!

The network effect refers to the concept that the value of a product or service increases when the number of people who use that product or service increases. Nevertheless, I aspire for my words to carry genuine value, not merely gain value based on the volume of individuals viewing and engaging with them, regardless of their actual interest or derived value.

The solution #

So, how did I address this dilemma? My aspiration is to continue learning and growing, but social media often gives a misleading sense of expertise, creating a facade of extensive knowledge when in reality, there’s much left to learn. In other words, social media gives you the feeling that you are a one of a kind legend and you know a whole lot of stuff while you actually are really ignorant and know very little. I yearn to assign value to everything I produce and write, while sidestepping the influences of social media platforms. This way, I can remain grounded in reality and avoid any delusions about my capabilities.

A blog might not accommodate every idea I wish to share with the world, it provides a space for me to craft detailed technical (and occasionally non-technical) articles. But I also want to be able to share random thoughts, ideas, images, and quotes, and write a short paragraph and publish it without much preparation. To address this diversity, I created a separate Posts section. This ensures that those solely interested in lengthy articles aren’t bothered by short posts. Meanwhile, those who valued my social media content can still find a space to read and engage. This arrangement enables me to refrain from posting on social media, while fostering contentment all around and keeping everybody happy.

Retaining Facebook #

I opted to retain my Facebook account for a specific reason. It’s mainly because the majority of my family, friends, and the society I’m living in are using Facebook as the main channel of communication, and I’m not able to convince everyone to use Telegram or Signal if they want to reach me out. So I decided to keep it.

Final word #

And that is the whole story.

This article happens to be the first one on this website, and it is unfortunately not technical or software related.. but hay, there is a lot to come!

Thank you for reading.